15 SEO tips for more visibility something for everyone

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In this article I want to give you 15 SEO tips that can improve your rankings and organic search traffic . Please consume the tips wisely. It can change quickly and SEO is not an exact science …

Okay – calm down and take a deep breath.

15 SEO tips for more visibility

There are certain factors in SEO that can positively influence the ranking . But not every lever that can be actuated can say with certainty how strong the influence on the rankings is or whether it has any influence at all. Even pseudo-correlations are not exactly rare in SEO and so tests for possible factors are particularly difficult. Simply put, there is always a sense of insecurity with SEO!

In the following, you benefit from my many years of experience. The following seo tips are based on successful measures for customers and thus could hardly be more practice-oriented.

Try The Amazing 15 SEO Tips

Are you ready? Let’s go!

  1. What does Google want?
    With every optimization there is always an elementary question in the room: What does Google want? Only when we deliver what Google wants, we can achieve good results in the search results (SERPs).

Google always wants to provide its users with the best search results, so that they continue to use the search engine and not go to the competition. Therefore, always remember the user who should go to your page and their search intent / search intention, then sooner or later the search engines will reward you.

  1. What is the search intent?
    This refers to the search intention behind each search query. What does the user want to achieve with his search query? What website and what content does he want. Only when we know that, we can also provide the best results on our website.
  2. Types of searches
    When optimizing, consider the different types of search queries. Here a distinction is made between information-driven, commercial-driven, transaction-driven and navigational keywords.

In the case of a search query in the area of information , the user, who would have thought, would like to receive information on a topic (for example, how tall is Mount Everest? ). In the transaction area , an action should be performed, such. B. Download e-book about marketing . In the case of commercial searches, there is often a desire to purchase, such as buying Puma shoes or finding good marketing agency, For navigational searches, the search is targeted to a specific website, such as customer support phone Zalando .

  1. Find out Search Intent
    To find the search intent, it usually already helps to look at the top ten for the keyword you want to rank well. Here you will find the latest results that Google plays out to its users and most likely most likely to hit the search intent right. If you want to satisfy the search intent properly, you have to deal with the target audience.

What problems and questions do they have about the keyword? What expectations do these have? Research in forums, social media, customer surveys and much more will help you to understand the target group in the best possible way.

  1. Can Google User Measure Signals?
    Google is very likely to be able to measure user signals (the behavior of its users) and thus judge whether a website or its content is well received in the SERPs or not. Google has also registered for some patents. Clear user signals can be, for example, the CTR (Click through rate). This includes the ratio of impressions to actual clicks on the search result.

However, the topic causes great discussions in the SEO scene: How can Google measure all this? Dwell time and other key figures of user signals vary greatly – depending on topics and interests … an infinite story! So just keep the following in mind: provide the right information to your users, ensure a good user experience, and the user should be happy to be on your site and get the information he is looking for. An appealing design of your website that suits the target audience is also mandatory (nobody likes ugly and overloaded websites).

  1. Measuring User Signals and User Experience
    While Time on site, bounce rate z. For example, using Google Analytics and CTR with Search Console can make it harder to measure whether the user experience is really good. Use tools like Hotjar , Overheat, or Mouseflow to record individual user sessions to see how users behave. This allows us to see how visitors behave on your website and where problems may occur.
  2. Crawling and indexing
    Your website must allow traffic through the search engine bot. Although this is a matter of course, this mistake happens more often than you think. Especially with relaunches it is forgotten to remove the lock for the search engines. Therefore always check the Robots.txt, if they falsely exclude the entire domain or single subpage for the search engines. Browser plugins like or show them to you URL visited by you in the browser, if possibly search engines are blocked here.
  3. Do not lock out any URLs over the robots.txt
    If you want to block certain search engine URLs from appearing in SERPs (search results), use the tag “nonidex, follow”. If URLs are locked out via the Robots.txt, it may still be the case that Google displays the URLs in the search results.
  4. Use Noindex correctly
    Pages that have no search intent and other benefits for the visitors do not need to cram the search engine’s search index. So put these on Noindex, follow , so the bots know that these pages are not relevant to them. An example: Sites such as imprint, privacy, logins or pages that should not be indexed for strategic or legal reasons. Always use noindex, follow and never noindex, no follow , because your page otherwise loses internal link power (more on that later under the item internal links ).
  5. Duplicate Content
    Also duplicate content (also DC shortened) can be fixed by setting Noindex, follow – Tags. Duplicate content means that identical content can be called multiple times on different URLs.
  6. Disadvantages of Duplicate Content
    DC is no reason for Google to punish ( google penalty ). If identical or very similar content is located on different URLs, Google will decide for itself which of these will be displayed in the search results. However, Duplicate Content has some disadvantages:
  • It can lead to double rankings and thus possibly worse rankings
  • Google can view DC as fraud / manipulation
  • DC keyword cannibalization: internal competition for the same search term.
  • The URLs are in competition with each other and may result in worse rankings.
  1. URL structure
    Keep the URL structure of your website as short and clean as possible! URLs Session IDs and other parameters in a URL often generate a new URL each time it is called. If these URLs have a valid status code, Google may be able to index them and there may be tens of duplicate content issues on your site.
  2. Click depth I
    In page architecture, important URLs that you want to use to generate organic traffic should be accessible from the homepage with as few clicks as possible. If there are too many clicks to a URL, they may be considered as less important by Google and thus less likely to be crawled. Especially with WordPress old posts like to disappear very deep in the blog archive. With the plugin you can link all posts on one page and thus reduce the click depth. A prerequisite is the linking of this annual archive z. Eg in the footer of your website, so that it can be reached with just one click.
  3. Click depth II
    With the Screaming Frog, you can analyze the depth of each URL on your website, and see which pages / URLs are available with how many clicks from the homepage. In general, this should be a maximum of three clicks.
  4. Avoid broken links on your website
    Broken links are links that point to an unreachable destination (for example, pages with a 404 error). These are not only annoying for your visitors, but are also a sign that the contents of your website are out of date. Therefore, avoid broken links on your page (whether they link internally or to external sources). Also, avoid redirecting the broken links to the homepage automatically, as they could also be considered an error by Google (Soft 404-Error ). Broken links can also be found using the Screaming Frog tool.


About Author:-

I’m Anne Sorber and I’m a digital marketer and technical writer. I’m passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and digital marketing trends. I am working in a digital marketing company in Jaipur.

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