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5 Employee Behaviors That Can Bring About Cyber Security Issues

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5 Employee Behaviours That Can Bring About Cyber Security Issues
Image Source: Pexels

Employees are, without a doubt, a company’s greatest asset. However, they may also be opportunities for cyber-security threats, as a lack of proper training could lead to one of the staff to unsuspectingly aid a hacker to get a hold of confidential company data.

These aspects of employee conduct could allow hackers to breach through cyber-security walls and put company secrets at risk:

  1. Using Their Own Devices – If you don’t already have a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, you should implement one as soon as possible. Cyber-attacks can occur when an employee shares data using their mobile device, and by introducing a policy whereby personal devices must be checked prior to accessing your network, you are closing a door to cyber-theft. This is something that many organizations overlook, and because of that, hackers are always on the look-out for unprotected devices that can help them access networks.
Using Their Own Devices
Image Source: Pixabay
  1. Visiting Unsafe Websites – One main cause of hacking is browsing a website that is unsafe, as the hacker can sneakily install malicious code onto the computer in the event that an employee visits this kind of site. The code, once it infects the user’s computer, could allow the hacker access to every document that the user opens as well as record all the user’s keyboard activity, usernames and passwords included.
  2. Social Engineering – Using social media, these hackers could send a file to your employees’ personal accounts and once clicked open by any of the employees, the hackers could start accessing the confidential information of your company. This is one hacking strategy you have to warn your employees of, especially with most of them being active social media users. Making your staff aware of the things they should not do when on social media sites can minimize chances of cyber-theft. A managed IT security service provider can help you with this.
  3. Lack of Knowledge – Much of successful cyber-attacks stem from lack of knowledge on the part of the employee. Even something as simple as an employee unwittingly copying a file into your network from a memory stick could pose major cyber-security issues, especially when the file is not scanned by a virus protection system. A file may contain a virus that could infect your network. Thus, you should ensure that all employees having access to company date be trained and knowledgeable of cyber-security threats and protections.
  4. Having Weak Passwords – Always opt for complex passwords and make it a habit to change these passwords every now and then, as hackers have sophisticated software that allow them to find user passwords. Have your staff change their passwords often and discourage them to use easy to figure out information such as dates of birth as passwords.
Having Weak Passwords
Image Source: Pexels

Hackers view employees as opportunities for them to gain access to company information, especially details that are of vital importance. It is therefore imperative that you be able to educate your staff on internet do’s and don’ts. With proper training, you will be preventing any chances wherein a hacker could use one of your employees to stall your company’s confidential data. Don’t forget to seek the help of cyber-security experts to test and further improve your cyber protection.

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