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5 Things Every Healthcare Mobile App Developer Must Know

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Things Every Healthcare Mobile App Developer Must Know

In a few years, we have seen the high adoption rates for the apps related to the healthcare market.

The fact that some of these latest mobile technologies are even trying to bridge the gap between the healthcare providers and patient is enough to convince people that they are even worth a try.

And instead of security concerns, it is undeniable that healthcare mobile apps are positively impacting the medical practitioner’s efficiency and productivity.

While also solving with some of the major issues that patient encounter such as the waiting time for getting diagnosis, the bills and exhausted care practitioners who can’t even keep up with the significant number of patients that they need to treat and diagnose.

Healthcare apps are also well received by the people because they have the ability to help with some of the administrative officers, clinical care, nurses’ teams in monitoring patients and accessing their medical data real-time.

The mobile health market is promising and dynamic, and as entrepreneurs, you can try to exploit this market as soon as possible.

So, here are some of the things that you should know as a healthcare mobile app developer:

  1. Target hardware

You would be targeting more than one platform as an app developer, which may be a desktop in addition to the smartphone and tablets.

The way smartphone users interact with an application is different from the way they interact with apps on their tablets. Most of the smartphone users prefer the speed of information to length.

Enterprise healthcare mobility solutions are likely to be used on a tablet or any other device which is of palm-size. Apps optimized for a tablet can accommodate a large number of functionality than their smartphone counterpart can.

A patient engagement solution app is likely to be optimized for the tablets while on the other hand, ‘call a doctor’ app is more likely to be more optimized for the smartphone.

Moreover, most of the apps developed by mobile app development companies for a smartphone will work on tablet efficiently. iPhone applications will work on the iPads unless they are controlled or formed based apps.

  1. Interoperability

One of the essential factors to consider at the time of developing healthcare mobility solutions is their interoperability with some of the existing clinical management system, which is used by the team of the hospital.

If you would have seen the doctors, ward boys, nurses, front desk, staff, etc. all carrying a tablet with them at all point of time.

In today’s scenario, enterprise healthcare mobility solutions which include the medical scheduling software are based out of a cloud to facilitate interoperability.

Moreover, in developing the world, hospitals still even tend to rely on traditional hosting, even standalone software installation to evade the hefty costs of cloud computing technologies.

In most of the cases, you may have to build an app compatibility layer over the existing setup.

  1. UI/UX considerations

User Interface/ User experience plays a very important role when it comes to healthcare app development. It is because, in the healthcare app, both the doctors and patients enter the data frequently.

As a developer, you must have to make sure that the app design is easy to use since the patients have to fill up with their appointment and medical treatments on a regular period of time.

Moreover, the doctors have to record their visits and have to update with the history of each patients. The patients with the help of healthcare apps are vulnerable as they are even seeking remedies to their medical issues.

Considering the state of mind, you must have to make sure that your UI, which includes the colors, fonts, text, does not illustrate any of the negative impact or picture.

It must be in the form of supportive so that the users feel positive at the time they use the app.

  1. API components

API (Application Programming Interface) as the name only suggests as the process, tool, or routine that executes with some of the specific task or interaction with the module or software. Social media network apps and advertisers rely on the API to pass on with some of the information in a continuous way.

When you login into an application, the authentication is supported by an API request to connect your device to a server. In case of a patient engagement solutions, you may have to add the components of API to authenticate your devices to access the central patient’s repository.

However, you may also need some of the additional API from vendors and suppliers. Make sure to keep in mind, not every API is open to the third parties.

  1. Develop Iteratively

It is quite a common fact that iterations have developed the world best applications and software. You must have to consider some of the following Agile programs which help the developers to deliver with the working codes in an iterative fashion.

By the iterative fashion, it means to build an app by making with some of the slow progressions, let’s say for example, by adding the features one by one. Before developing an application, you must learn and practice more about the development process of agile.


Increasing the engagement of patient and enabling easy delivery for the healthcare organizations and doctors is a huge demand for the highly competitive healthcare industry.

The mobile healthcare applications have emerged as a great way to help the patients connect and healthcare providers, enjoy improved and share information of healthcare.

So, at the time you are building a healthcare app, make sure that it has all the essential features and functionalities to fulfill their requirements while ensuring superior compliance and customer experience.


About Author

Chanchal SoniChanchal Soni is a Growth Hacker and CRO Specialist at AppitSimple . She has experience in mobile app development, digital marketing, social media, content strategy and marketing communications. Lover of huskies, the ocean & boston sports. Email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

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