Tips & Tricks

6 Game-changing email marketing campaigns good for your ecommerce business

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Online stores and websites are arguably great in online marketing. They know fairly well how to play the game and attract customers overtime. Sure enough, we don’t see eCommerce fall behind the industry anywhere near the future.

Check out Oreo’s Facebook and get a sight of their appealing posts. Sure it seems only normal posts to you but each and every post up there are carefully curated marketing tactics.

Oh, and remember Apple’s iPhone 6’s #bendgate controversy last September 2014? Yes, KitKat, Samsung, LG, Nokia, Papa John’s Pizza and other brands hopped on the train to poke fun all the while market their brands.

You know what other platform really helps a brand boost their sales? Email marketing. If you have an online business, it’s wrong of you to ignore the value of email marketing. Perhaps your lack of this medium’s use is the reason your business takes a long time to boom.

Email marketing is one among the top most effective eCommerce marketing channels and it’s basically where all your online transactions are dealt with so obviously, you can’t go wrong hopping in the email marketing campaign method.

Drive more sales thru email marketing. To give you an idea, here are killer and clever ways to promote your campaign via email marketing:

1 | “Welcome” or “Getting Started” series

Wouldn’t it be completely rude and unappreciative if someone subscribed, registered and followed your blog without them getting a warm welcome? It’s like some approached you and greeted you in person and you just ignored their presence.

Usually, businesses send out more than one welcome emails, hence “welcome series”, to their new subscriber. The first one being a confirmation for their subscription; introduction of their services, mission and vision; and a warm thanks for the subscription. The second may introduce the benefits, perks and exclusive news the subscriber could be interested in. The succeeding emails could be upgrade of account or promotional innuendos.

2 | The Scarcity email tactic

Corporations, in terms of marketing, digs deep into human behavior and their target market in order to get their marketing strategy out to them effectively. They take advantage on how human psychology works and incorporates it in their campaign. Of course, you need to understand your audience for them to digest your message.

This particular tactic is a groundbreaking psychological sales technique that encourages people to take action towards your marketing ad. Scarcity, meaning being short in supply, when used in a marketing campaign makes your email subscribers feel a fear of being left out or missing out. Sales tactics calling a promo that only runs for a limited time, specific time and/or date, for only a day, exclusively thru online transactions to avail a promo/discount and the works are a few examples.

3 | The secret invitation and exclusivity

“Free copy of my latest e-book for my loyal subscribers! Hurry! The promo is for today only!” See what we did there?

The invitation to grab a free e-book copy is only offered to the loyal subscribers which are easily reachable through email. And of course, there’s the exclusivity of it being offered to a specific audience only, in this case, the email subscribers. This sales tactic is generally inviting and can make a consumer jump in the opportunity.

4 | “We Miss You” and the “Just Checking In” email

As a subscriber yourself, doesn’t it make you feel more valued when you receive an email from a corporation checking on you when you’ve been gone for quite a long while? Whether it be automated or not, it sure does make your feel more valued in comparison to those who doesn’t bother, doesn’t it?

Encouraging them to run back to your web-store with a discount code, free shipping or other baits will make them more engaged with your site.

5 | Wishlist sale notifications, new stocks notice, etc.

Your customers has tons of reasonable excuses varying from being busy to no longer interested with your brand when they’re unable to scan through your site and purchase your products. Time to cue in different sales strategies to win them back and engage them into purchasing on your site.

One among the many sales techniques you can apply is baiting them new stocks and new arrivals notice which should make them curious of your new products; add in your scarcity tactic of “Hurry! Before stock runs out!” can really make them act on it immediately.

Another thing, your customers likely have an item or more in their wishlist they plan on buying in the future or just for reference. They may or may have forgotten about it at some point so why not remind them of it? If you have a sale and one of the items in their wishlist is on sale, notify them so they get the notion that what they wanted to have before but weren’t ready yet (price could be one of the factors) is now on sale. They might be interested to buy it now.

6 | Let us know your feedback!

One of the essential email marketing techniques that should be part of your routine is asking for feedback every now and then. It is important to know your customers’ concerns, insights, issues and other information they want to share with you. Let them know that their insights are valued and important to your brand’s mission and they will reciprocate the act by continuing on patronizing your brand.

Implement these ideas for your next email marketing campaign and you sure will boost your sales high than usual. Of course, don’t forget to throw in your well-placed occasional links, promos and the likes to better market your products and services.

What your business’ favorite email marketing strategy and do you have other clever ways you can share? Don’t hesitate and leave a comment below!


About Chie Suarez

When she couldn’t be found eating pizza or indulging on sweets, Chie writes for Zapals — a global shopping site that delivers one of the largest innovative online department stores to people in the world.

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