Konker SEO Guide – Optimization and Site Content

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Konker SEO Guide - Optimization and Site Content

What is the role of SEO articles? What do they do for a site? If it’s just a text …then nothing! You do not have much to do with it, maybe only if you are alone in the world. Seriously speaking, in general, if your site is technically correct, if it is currently benefiting from intelligent optimization and has adequate content, the SEO-written articles will make you stand out from your competition.

If you want to know the power of SEO articles on a site, you will need to read this text carefully. Gradually, because I will begin by explaining the concept and how it influences a text, a post, a newly added product, a promotion … all of which are called as the general SEO article.

So in this text, with the help of Konker, I’ll explain why you’re getting better if you’re careful to periodically include in your content a well-written SEO article that suits your needs.

It is important to understand that most agencies and brands make the mistake of limiting the knowledge and understanding of SEO to Executives only. In other words, they fail to impart the same data analysis for SEO to the content writers. As individuals who are at the very foundation of and digital SEO strategy, writers are integral to the entire process. They should know how SEO works in details and the impact it has on content.

Article and equivalence with the product

An article should not be understood as a newspaper text that wants to go up and gather readers, but as an inventory element of a site. Generally, a website is made up of a few main pages, and each page is linked to another, the latter is added and continuously changed, they define the direction of a site. This is SEO as a whole. If we’re talking about a blog then the article is a blog post. If we are dealing with an online store, the article is a new product or a product promotion.

Any solid construction is made up of elements and they are bonded together by a binder. The comparison is welcomed to illustrate the strength of a site.

The articles for a site are web pages, like books in a library. If they are well-arranged (optimized SEO) you find the information very easy.

The origin of the SEO concept

The job of a web editor, content writer or content editor (you will see all these names on the Internet, and even more) has naturally occurred with the development of the online environment. However, much more potent since the big Google.

How does Google influence all aspects of a content writer and site optimization if we stop on these issues? The explanations are simple and are related to the way searches were made many years ago. In short, the principle was this: a site dealing with the theme “x” will contain a sum of words “x”! Point. As such, the old search engines from Yahoo, AltaVista, AOL and who have been searching for “x” words are on a site.

Moreover, they made a hierarchy according to this score. This is the way SEO looked like in the very beginning. You can find out more by clicking here.

Web designers introduced a word, such as “x” to the website where it was supposed to be, like, for example, written in white on a white page. This is a technique that was used countless times. Search engines (not Google) were confused and believed that the page was super-relevant to “x.” Even though “x” can be invisible to the human eye.

In fact, search engines were fooled by web designers, and they were passing like smart people because no one else besides them could do it.

The ranking of sites in primitive SEO was, synthetically, based on two criteria: the abundance of keywords and the volume of traffic. About the first, we have already spoken. Now, let’s start creating a significant amount of traffic to the site.

In order to have more visitors on the site, in fact, more hits, the word “y” was introduced into the site. Because the difference between accessing and visiting a website was not well defined and “y” so well masked, no one knew about it. Just the one who made the web design, because only he was the best! You practically enlisted such a craftsman!

Additional info:

The origin of the SEO concept

The word “y” was a word that everybody was looking for, such as pizza. That’s what everyone was looking for in the early years and until now for sure. Let’s see a practical example: people searched for “pizza” and reached your site, which was actually a blog about “ice cream”! Since your site about ice cream doesn’t offer any info about “pizza”, the user spent just a second on your site. He saw that it’s not about what he searched and left! However, the goal of getting traffic on your website has been achieved. The traffic went up, people searching for “pizza” wound up on your “ice cream” blog and the site got to be on the front pages of Google.

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