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Top 7 benefits of choosing React.js for web development

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benefits of choosing React.js for web development

React.js is the second most popular web framework in the world today. React.js is a library of JavaScript components used to make user interfaces for websites and apps. It was made by Jordan Walke in 2011, and it sets a new standard for using JavaScript to make fast, dynamic websites.

In this blog, we will discuss the top reasons why you should choose React.js for web development.

Top reasons to choose React.js for web development

Here are the top benefits of going for React.js web app development.

Highly Flexible

The possibilities with React.js are vast. After learning it, you can use it to create polished UIs for a wide variety of devices. React.js has great library support. It is in large part thanks to its library support that React.js has become so popular.

For online application development, React.js was designed specifically to facilitate the creation of modules. As React.js has gained traction, its ecosystem has expanded to accommodate a wide variety of applications. You can hire top React.js developers to leverage the flexibility of the platform. Consider these as some of the important factors to hire the best remote React.js developers.

You can use tools like Gatsby to make a static site with React.js. You can make apps for phones with React Native. You can even make desktop apps with React.js and a tool called Electron, which works on both Mac and Windows.

React.js also lets its components be rendered on the server using tools like Next.js. You can also use React.js and React VR to make a VR website and 360-degree experiences.

The dedicated React.js developers can add React.js to apps you already have. This was taken into account when React.js was made. One can use React.js to change a small part of your existing app, and if that change works, one can start changing your whole app to React.js. Facebook also did the same thing.

The main reason to use a Library instead of a Framework is that Libraries are smaller and you can choose different tools. The Framework is a whole ecosystem that can be used to build an application.

Easier to Learn

React.js is a simple, lightweight library that only works with the view layer of a web page. It is easy to learn, which makes it easier to get started with than Angular when using JavaScript.

If the developers know how to use HTML and CSS and have a basic understanding of how programming works, they can start working with React.js right away. If they are coming from another framework or library, it may take them a while to get used to how React.js works.

Aside from that, there is nothing about React.js that is too hard to understand or use. Online, one can find a lot of information that will help one learn everything about React.js.

React.js has Reusable Components

Components in React.js are separate pieces of code that can be used more than once. If the React.js developers need to, they can give input (called “props”), and the component will return an HTML element that has been rendered. The developers can use them as a main JavaScript function or as a class component in a JavaScript class that uses a render method.

Each React.js component one makes can be used in other parts of the app. One can make wrapper components that give the app structure and make it easier to use components already made.

When upgrading a system with parts that can be used again and again, there are usually a lot of problems because each change can affect how other parts work. But in React.js, it’s easy for developers to handle updates because all the parts are separate and changes to one don’t affect the others.

Virtual DOM

DOM, which stands for Document Object Model, is an interface that turns HTML and XML code into trees. To render output, a web browser makes a model that is similar to DOM. It treats each object or element in the HTML code as a node in the DOM tree.

Whenever the HTML code changes, either because the user did something or because a value changed, the DOM tree has to be redrawn, which takes a lot of time and power. Virtual DOMs, which are used by React.js, come to our aid here.

React.js just makes a copy of the DOM, which acts as a sort of cache memory. When a change is made, it looks at the Virtual DOM to see which tree nodes and components need to be changed.

The tree can be updated quickly and easily with just a small change to the DOM. This saves a lot of time for developers and makes the app very fast and responsive.

Testing is Easy

Testing is very easy with React.js. This is because instead of dealing with rendered instances of React.js components, the React.js Testing Library manages DOM elements and how they perform in front of actual users. The latter is in contrast to other testing packages, which instead deal with actually rendered instances of React.js components. It’s a great tool, easy to pick up and use immediately, and supports the implementation of trustworthy testing practices.

Superlative Performance

React.js provides superlative performance due to the following reasons.

Before React.js, most frameworks and libraries would just change the DOM without thinking. Because of this, a big part of the page had to be changed.

With the Virtual DOM, React.js keeps an eye on the values of each component’s state. React.js compares the current DOM state to what the new DOM should look like when the state of a component changes. Then, it looks for the cheapest way to change the DOM.

This doesn’t look like it would be easy, but React.js does a great job of it behind the scenes.

React.js is easy to program, so when data changes, it can automatically change its state. This takes place in the mind, so it is quick.

The size of React’s library is also small. It’s smaller than 6kb (less than 3kb when gzipped). This is a lot smaller than what’s out there.

Robust Facebook Support

React.js is heavily utilized by the mobile app, website, and Instagram of social media giant Facebook. Because of this, Facebook gives it a great deal of priority. More than 50,000 unique React components are used in production. Moreover, the top four React.js contributors on GitHub are all full-time employees of Facebook, the project’s principal sponsor. The robust support of Facebook along with the presence of a vibrant community shows that React.js has a bright future.


As we have seen, React is a great tool for building interactive apps on the web, and other platforms. React.js is becoming more popular and used every day, and for good reason. You can hire remote react.js developers to build highly effective and profitable web applications using React.js.

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