
Top Tips For Email Marketing

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Top Tips for Email Marketing

Email Marketing is an intimidating subject. There are a lot of factors that come into making an email marketing strategy work and be successful. Naysayers would say that it is not worth the effort but it is not so.

Businesses who did not invest in Email Marketing have reported dips on their sales. Perhaps the doubts on Email Marketing stem from the fact that it takes a bit of time and does not produce immediate, tangible results. However, with a bit of patience, your company will be able to reap the rewards.

Email is one of the most successful online marketing mediums. You can say all you want about Social Media Marketing but studies have found that emails are still much more successful than the Facebook and Twitter combined.

Perhaps, another reason why results are not felt as much is because of the mistakes that they do. There is a science involved with the actual process of sending Emails. You do not just send out a poorly-written, barely-designed email to everyone. If you follow the tips that we have compiled then there is a chance that you will get immediate results.

The Return-On-Investment on Email Marketing is much higher than it is on Social Media Marketing. For a dollar spent on Email Marketing, a sale of $40 is earned by the company. Here are some tips to ensure that you get the most of your Email Marketing strategy.

1. Know Your Target Audience

This is probably the most important tip that you have to follow with Email Marketing. You do not just throw out emails to everyone. Your messages would be regarded as spam by those who are not exactly interested with your products and services.

The emails that you send should be sent to your present subscribers and to a crowd where the content is relevant to them. This means that you should understand who you want to send your emails to or you might be barking up the wrong tree. Relevance is key to make sure that you do not get flagged as spam. Spam is bad for your Brand name as it will earn a negative connotation as that annoying company that sends irrelevant content filling their inbox.

2. Send Regular Emails

Consistency is key if you want your brand name to stick. If you send only once a year then chances are you would probably lose their interest. When there are hundreds if not thousands of companies simultaneously advertising their brand on your client, it would be hard to compete when you barely show up on their timeline and inbox.

Do not hesitate to schedule a bi-weekly email blast on your subscribers to constantly remind them of your services while also appearing on their inbox regularly. Doing so would probably result in higher sales. Majority of people check their emails every day meaning that they would see your brand showing up every time you send an email. Another thing you should learn more about is what are the best times in the day to send an email.

3. Send Short And Simple Emails

Your content is very important when doing Email Marketing. You can go on and on about how to market your stuff but at the end of the day, you just have to let your content speak for itself. This means that you need to take some time and effort composing your message.

The contents of your email needs to be short, simple, informative, and most importantly, relevant. When you open emails, you expect everything to be short and straight to the point. If you send out something that is too long then it would be much harder to convince people to read it. A short email that links to a longer piece of content is key to providing you with a decent amount of leads while establishing your Brand Authority.

Remember to make everything simple. You are reaching out to your recipients and taking time out of their daily lives. If you take too much, you would be considered annoying and spammy. Don’t beat around the bush and write in bullet points, if you can.

4. Have A Proper Call-To-Action Button

At the end of your email, you should have a proper Call-To-Action button so that your recipient knows what to do. It would be foolish to send a proper email but with no call-to-action button. There are a lot of Email Marketers that send out emails but does not have the proper follow through. It means that their clients are now stuck not knowing what to do next which is ineffective for sales.

5. Use Images

Add images into your emails. Images improve your aesthetics while also ensuring that your points come across properly. Professional Email Marketers use images to put a summary of their long content to ensure that their recipient does not have a hard time reading their email. Images can also be used to provoke your recipient’s curiosity guaranteeing that your email is well read.

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