
What you need to know about price comparison software for online shopping?

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price comparison tool

Websites which are integrating multiple numbers of popular websites in a certain location are known as comparison shopping engines. The role of these comparison shopping engines is the same as that of different price comparison software tools. They are crawling different websites for a number of products with their prices and they are displaying each and everything in their websites. Like this the audiences who are visiting their page are easily seeing prices in a given location.

Most advance users are now using price comparison sites for online shopping process to get their product at best price. Different engines of comparison shopping are helping their users to purchase their products and they are also helping different websites of e-commerce to get exposure for their shops which are present online.

Customers are always looking for that sort of engines related to comparison shopping which help them to solve their problems related to the listing of products and services. Due to the presence of such engines of comparison shopping a variety of customers find it easy to look for different products and services which they are unable to find by using different techniques of related to searching of a product.

Listing of Website

One may be asked to submit such a product feed which is compatible to comparison shopping engine. This sort of feed may include all the required information by the search engine of comparison shopping so one’s product can be listed in a proper manner. One may consider comparison shopping engine a simple tool but they contain algorithm of their own which helps them in crawling and also helps them to display information from product feed of compatible comparison search engine. All this process is being done automatically. For a number of platforms of e-commerce an app is present which is automatically generating the feed of product which is based on the shop which is present online.

Cost of Listing

A number of comparison search engines have been offering those listings which are free but the price may also depend upon the platform. What most of the platforms ask is to implement such a system in which an individual has to pay for every click and they have to work out with a certain budget. The payment in this case depends upon the clicks which are being done not on the conversions or on any sort of results. This thing can bring in some sort of profit and it may not depend upon the pricing of a product or on any sort of one’s niche.

This system is of cost per action in which one is only paying for engines related to comparison shopping which are being based on different results. What other models related to comparison shopping engines are asking for is the payment which is to be done after a sale. A percentage is being taken by them from particular sales which is only useful if it is related to one’s traffic. Such s model can be good when one has to pay when a certain sale is being made.

Time-period of Listing

As it has been told earlier that engines related to comparison shopping do vary. This factor also effect the time period of listing. I.e. how long will be a particular listing is lasting. This thing related to listing is free for some of the engines related to comparison shopping. One can also expect this thing that a particular listing will be staying there forever. But for other engines related to comparison shopping one has to replenish his budget related to ads continuously. This has to be done in order to keep ones product on the website. These all things depend upon the model of pricing of those engines which are related to comparison shopping for which one has signed up.

What sort of Products can be listed?

What most of the engines related to comparison shopping do is that they list every sort of a product. But a variety of other engines are very specific about the listing of products. This means that they are listing only some products. So, one should be submitting those feed which are compatible with the engines related to comparison shopping. If this is not being done then there are many chances that one can also get rejected. In this regard, before submitting any sort of product the engines related to comparison shopping should be studied thoroughly.

What is being done by a number of people is that they are visiting different comparison shopping engines in order to check for the prices of a variety of products. Some may also be checking different blogs and they may also be reading reviews which are being made by different customers. These things can also be seen in a single location and for this thing different comparison shopping engines are being used. In this regard, a number of comparison shopping engines which can prove to beneficial for different individuals have been discussed below.


A large number of people want that their product gets listed on this website. As it is one of the commonly used website by a variety of users. One can list his website by registering for a certain product’s ad account and by uploading a database for one’s product. Like this one can be inside Amazon. The next step that one should do is the setting up of his budget.


PriceGrabber is the only service which is integrated directly to Yahoo Shopping. Like this the products which are listed or price grabber also get listed on Yahoo Shopping. The website of price grabber also releases a report of market research which is tracking the trends of consumers. So with the displaying of prices it also tracks the trends of consumers. Trends in pricing of the certain products are also shown by price grabber.

Google Shopping

This website is also used by a variety of customers. This is used in order to search for a variety of things. As it is easy to search for a variety of products and services so it is being used by a large number of audiences. One of the largest engines related to comparison shopping is Google Shopping. If one wants that their products of e-commerce are listed fast then they should surely use Google Shopping.


A place where price comparison of products can be done is known as Bing. It allows listing of products for free. It instantly lists an individual without asking for any sort of returns. Feeds of new merchants are not accepted by them at those times of year like during Christmas. So, one should always try that he gets himself registered at an initial stage. This is also a useful website and can prove to be very beneficial for a number of individuals who face difficulty with the listing of their products.

These are a number of things which should be kept in mind before one starts to list their products or services on any sort of website. Price comparison engines help a lot if they are being used correctly.

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