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Which Technologies Has Brought Effective Changes in E-Learning?

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Which Technologies Has Brought Effective Changes in E-Learning?


In the 21st century, the innovation of e-learning has redefined methods of teaching and has made the performance of school more efficient.

Before implementing technology in education, it was expected that implementing it would be disastrous and will yield negative results after its implementation; the results were the exact opposite. Technology in education increased productivity and interaction in the students and it has also changed the entire education system. Researchers have been researching the impact of technology on the education system and after conducting an extensive research by comparing results of schools who have opted for technology as a method for learning and schools who still follow the old traditional way, it has been found that students who were studying through new concepts and with the aid of technology had produced more improved results than students who were taught in the old way. E-learning is not only cost-effective but it’s also consistent and has made communication a lot easier than before.  It makes it easier for teachers to deliver their lessons more quickly and wrap up the course and move on to new things. It also is a great way to learn thing things through less time consuming way.

Technology has brought effective changes in e-learning by increasing the engagement of students and developing their interest by giving them a more real based life experience. It has profoundly impacted everyone’s life in the educational sector. Here are some of the technologies that have brought effective changes in E-learning:

  • Mobile Applications

Every student has their own way of learning and each student has their own needs. With the advent of mobile applications, the concept of need-based learning has been drilled into the education system. Learning methods and ways should never be the same and they should keep changing with the new learning experiences. Before the advent of technology, the education system could not incorporate al l custom learning experience due to its limitations but with this technology, education system can now start teaching according to availability and preference of the students.

  • Cloud Computing

Another technology that has greatly impacted the education system and has brought an effective change e-learning is cloud computing. The 24/7 availability of any kind of information anywhere has made it easier for students to access their course work and educational material. It has also made communication easy between the students and teachers and they can collaborate more easily with each other. It has also given schools and students a chance to store their information at one place.

  • Speech-To-Text Options

Another technology that has brought an effective change in the process of e-learning is the speech-to-text option. It basically comes in the form of a virtual assistant apps and features for example Samsung has Google as its assistant and Apple has Siri. This has made it easier for students to make notes effectively and write things on a more fast-paced. Through this technology students can write A grade essay more easily now.

  • Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality and augmented learning experiences has the changed the entire education system and it has broaden the experience of learning. Not only did it makes the classes more interactive but has made learning more easily, Virtual reality is basically the interaction with a virtual atmosphere that can be real or imaginary. With a technology like Virtual Reality, students can now easily witness things in firs person like going deep in a human body and learning by seeing through their own eyes how a human body works. Virtual reality has enabled students to witness things happening in space and study through time. It has also been a great aid in the orientation of professional careers by educating students on how each careers works.

  • 3D Printing

E-learning has been greatly influenced by this new technology called the 3D printing. It is also known as prototyping. It’s just like virtual reality by allowing students to educate themselves through a more real and physical experience. Students can now easily input their ideas of an object. With the help of 3D printers, students are able to bring their imaginations to life by giving them a shape. It has boosted creativity in students and has increases the hands-on experience.

  • Learning Analytics

The increasing use of technology in education system has made learning data more fundamental to make more informed decisions and make the whole process of decision making easier. The learning analytics is the result of the huge volume of education information and data. To check and assess the engagement of students, traction and their learning output, it has become increasingly important for learning analytics.  Learning analytics will not only alert the teachers of issues but also alert the students of upcoming deadlines and their progress. Learning analytics in E-learning has enabled to increase the student’s engagement in education more than anything else. Many college essay writing service use this technology to make writing more interactive for students.

  • Digital Simulation and Models

Not every student is able to understand certain concepts through traditional methods. Some students need more than that to understand what they are being taught. With the help of digital Simulation and models, students can now easily understand the concepts being taught in class more easily and also get to know the wonders of modern world. This technology has also been proved to be a great help to the teachers. Some teachers have a difficult time explaining some concepts to students and they find it hard to deliver it in the boundaries of a physical classroom. Now with the help of Digital Simulation and Model, teachers are able to design their lectures more strategically and make it more interactive.


In short, the above mentioned seven technologies has greatly affected e-learning and has made learning more easily and a more fun activity. Technologies like these have designed a new and enhanced way for learning for both the teachers and students.


About Author:-

Michael Vettori Michael Vettori is an award-winning journalist who has vast experience in exploring social and domestic justice. He has a passion to introduce the world with thematic stories that contain most of the writings about the rights, justice, and ethics. The author also provides College Essay Writing Services to students seeking help at A Grade Essay.

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