
Which UI library is best for React JS?

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Many different UI libraries are available for React, and it can be hard to decide which one to use. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most popular UI libraries and tell you which one is best for React. We’ll also provide tips on choosing the right library for your project and some examples of how to use it. So whether you’re new to UI libraries or a seasoned vet, this article is for you!

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It makes it easy to create composable, pure components that can render on the client side (in browsers) or on the server side (using Node.js).

Which UI library is best for React JS

Best React UI component libraries and frameworks in 2022

When choosing a React UI library, there are a few important factors to consider. First, what kind of user interface do you want to create? Are you planning on using React for single-page applications (SPAs), mobile apps, or both?

Second, which features do you need in your library? Do you need support for animated elements and transitions? Styling components with CSS or react-router integration?

Third, how mature is the ecosystem around the specific library you’re interested in using? For example: Is an extensive set of community resources available, including tutorials, API docs, and forum discussions?

Finally, what are your development goals for the project? Do you need to use React in a web app, or do you want to integrate it into an existing codebase?

Here is the best UI library for React JS: – 

  1. Reactors

Reactors are a popular React UI library that helps you build user interfaces quickly and easily. It’s built on top of a react-router, which makes it easy to create complex UIs with routable paths and automatic loading of routes. Additionally, react reactors offer state management and lifecycle hooks for customizing your components’ behavior.

The biggest downside to react reactors is that it can be difficult to learn, especially if you’re new to JavaScript programming. However, the library has many active online communities dedicated to helping people get started, so if you’re willing to invest a little time into learning it, React reactors can be a valuable tool for your development arsenal.

  1. React Native

If you want to build mobile UIs with React, then the best option is React Native. React Native lets you write code in JavaScript and use HTML, CSS, and JSX, just like on desktop platforms. This makes it very easy to port existing web projects to react Native without rewriting them from scratch. Additionally, because react-native is built on top of Android and iOS SDKs (and not js), developers can easily build UIs that look and feel like native applications.

However, React Native can be more difficult to learn than other React UI libraries. And because it’s designed for mobile development, not all features of react-router are available in React Native, so you may need to use another library if you need advanced routing or state management functionality. However, once you understand how to React Native works, it’s a very powerful tool that can help speed up your development process!

  1. React Admin

React Admin is a popular React UI library that offers powerful features for managing and customizing UIs. With React Admin, you can create complex UIs with routable paths and automatic loading of routes. Additionally, React Admin provides state management and lifecycle hooks for customizing your components’ behavior.

React Admin also has widespread support from the community, so if you need help getting started or have questions about how it works, there are plenty of resources available online to help you! 

  1. Storybook

Storybook is a React UI library that lets you create and preview UIs without writing code. Instead, you use Storybook to create templates containing all the necessary HTML, CSS, and JS files to build your project. Then, you edit these templates and preview them in the browser to see how they look on different devices or screen sizes.

Storybooks are great for quick experiments or testing different designs before committing them to the source code. Plus, because storyboards are easy to share between collaborators, developing UIs with Storybook can be much faster than customizing individual components or building entire applications from scratch!

  1. Shards React

Shards React a library that lets you easily create and manage scalable stateful applications using Immutable.js. With Shards, you can easily store data in multiple nodes of your application without worrying about coordination or updates across the cluster. This allows you to build large-scale UIs with little effort!

Shards React also supports react-router so that you can use it to power sophisticated routing features within your apps. Plus, because Shards uses Redux as its storage layer, it’s compatible with most popular front-end development frameworks such as React, AngularJS, and VueJs

  1. React Virtualized

React Virtualized is a library that lets you React applications in a virtual machine. This allows you to isolate your app from the underlying infrastructure and make debugging and deploys much easier! Plus, React Virtualized runs inside a virtual machine to take advantage of more powerful hardware than regular desktop or laptop computers. This makes React Virtualized perfect for scenarios where performance is critical, or you must simultaneously deploy your app to multiple devices. 

  1. Semantic UI React

Semantic UI React is a library that lets you create responsive UIs using React. With Semantic UI, you can easily define and load themes into your apps and customize them to match your design style. This ensures that your UIs look consistent across devices and browsers! 

  1. React Toolbox

React Toolbox is a library that provides helpful tools and components for building React applications. With React Toolbox, you can quickly create components, manage state, and perform other common development-related tasks! 

  1. React Desktop

React Desktop is a library that lets you create desktop applications using React. With React Desktop, you can quickly build apps that look and feel like the native desktop applications on your computer!

  1. Onsen UI

Onsen UI is a library that lets you create beautiful, responsive UIs using React. Onsen UI provides a modular design, so you can easily add new features or customize existing components to match your needs. Plus, Onsen UI is an open-source project, so you can fork it and customize it to fit your requirements!


If you are looking for a library that works like react, we suggest going with react. It has everything that you need. On the other hand, if you feel like experimenting with new stuff and want to customize your UI in many different ways, then look at React admin or React Desktop. Both have great support for fast prototyping and offer an incredible framework-agnostic approach. If you get stuck anywhere, we can be here to help!

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