
WordPress trends to watch in 2022

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WordPress trends to watch in 2022

Want to learn about the WordPress trends to watch in 2022? You’re in the right place, so be sure to dive right in.

As we all know, the internet is an ever changing place. Every year, there is a new company, new technology, or a new service that you have to use if you want to stay relevant. WordPress has managed to remain the top choice for businesses both big and small. More and more people are using it, so it only makes sense that it evolves. But why do they use it?

Well, for starters — it’s free. Also, it’s open-source and highly customizable. In other words, no matter what you need from a website, you can do it with WordPress. But let’s see what the future of WordPress is and what exciting things are coming to it next year.

Voice search

Most of us search for something online every day. Now, some of us will type the query, while others will just say it out loud. Voice search is a convenience that makes searching almost effortless, so no wonder why people are becoming fond of it.

Let’s face it, Siri and Alexa need no introduction, and there are many other emerging voice assistants out there. As it turns out, more than 42% of all searches involve voice. People want to use it, so you’ve got to make it possible — even on your WordPress site.

If you do it, your site will attract more visitors. Not only will people know that it’s available on your site, but Google will also favor your pages with users that use voice search. It’s a bit of work to get it working, but you have nothing to lose. If you follow the trends, you can only win in this game.

Voice search

Implementation of voice search is one of the WordPress trends to watch in 2022.

Better accessibility

Hundreds of millions of people use their and others’ WordPress websites each day. And when you have your own site, there are so many options to choose from that it’s easy to get lost. However, one thing you can’t afford to miss thinking about is accessibility.

In the last couple of years, it’s become more important to search engines than ever. If you do nothing to make sure anyone can use your site with ease, you won’t be positioned as high as you could be in search results. Hence, it’s one of the WordPress trends to watch in 2022, and you should incorporate it as soon as possible.

However, you shouldn’t stop there. It’s vital that you review your site every now and then and make necessary changes. If there’s a new update on any of your plugins — install it. If you think there’s a better way to handle search — deal with it.

Don’t let your site feel outdated, and it’ll always perform well.

Multipurpose WordPress themes

Here, the story is similar to the one about accessibility. You can’t build a site without thinking about the design and layout. It’s what makes your site stand out and what should make people connect it with your brand. Moreover, you want the looks to be one of the reasons why they’re coming back to it.

To achieve this, you need to find a WordPress theme that is both nice-looking and easy to use.

And one trend we’re all excited about is drag and drop page builders. They allow you to make a feature and functionality-rich website, but without using any codes. They make things simple, and for that reason, we predict that they’ll rule the roost in 2022.

Multipurpose WordPress themes

With drag-and-drop page builders, you can say goodbye to those never-ending lines of code.

The use of AI and VR

It’s not a secret that AI and VR have transformed the internet as we know it. What started out as a way to simulate a 3D environment on a computer screen turned into something that allows you much more. Now, you can invite your visitors to ”be” inside of your website and offer them content they want to see.

Naturally, site owners use it to increase the appeal and the x-factor of their pages. It certainly brought a new light to the eCommerce industry and changed the way people interact with websites. As more and more devices can support AI and VR, we’ll see more and more sites using it.

It’s safe to say that these two will be a hot topic next year, so it makes sense to think about how you can use them on your site. However, if you go down this road, make sure to trademark your domain and learn about the legal process behind it. The last thing you need is to hook a bunch of new visitors with a pristine AI-driven site and then have to change your domain to get out of a lawsuit.

Lazy loading

If you have a website with bulky graphics and a few third-party apps, the chances are that your loading times aren’t that great. We don’t have to explain how badly your users can receive this. They want every page to load in less than three seconds, and this is especially important for your landing pages.

Of course, there are lots of ways to speed up your WordPress website. But none of them work as well as lazy loading, and that’s why we think the trend is here to stay.

In essence, it only loads the content the user is looking at or about to look at. So, it gives you much faster response times and a better user experience. Top social media sites have used it for years, and now it’s found its way to WordPress.

lazy loading

If you want your site to load faster, lazy loading is your best bet.

Large enterprises will go with WordPress for eCommerce

Up until recently, WordPress was considered a solution for small businesses. However, it grew into a powerful tool that has no precedent in the world of eCommerce. So, now there’s no reason why prominent and powerful companies can’t use it.

And they do use it. With one of the best WordPress plugins for eCommerce, the site you make can do anything you want. It’s easy to add new products or remove the ones that are no longer available. And on top of all of that, it’s cheap. Even large corporations love a good bargain.

As more and more enterprises become aware of the benefits of building a site on this platform, they’ll start switching their stores to it. And that’s the last of the WordPress trends to watch in 2022.



About Author:-

Tanya Bluth is a freelance writer and a digital marketer. She loves helping aspiring entrepreneurs build their businesses from the ground up. In her book, a well-sorted website is always a good place to start.

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