
5 Ways Cross Channel Marketing Can Benefit Your Company

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Provide your customers with a comprehensive marketing experience with cross channel tactics.

Ways Cross Channel Marketing Can Benefit Your Company

Cross channel marketing allows you to leverage your marketing tactics across the board. From in-store promotions to email and social media efforts, there’s an opportunity to bring all of these pieces together into one holistic campaign. Each channel brings its own unique benefits and can help improve your current marketing efforts.

Utilizing cross channel marketing software allows you to bring all of these different platforms together to improve your brand experience. Having a better understanding of what your customers want, when they want it, and providing it through the right channel can make all the difference when it comes to engagement and conversion rates.

So if you haven’t already invested in cross channel marketing efforts, now’s the time to consider bringing your marketing efforts together to create one, unbeatable marketing strategy.

Interested in seeing what we’ll discuss throughout this article? Here’s a sneak peek at the 5 different things we’ll cover:

  • Market to your customers based on where they are in the customer journey
  • Utilize trigger message to reach your customers based on their interactions
  • Make the most out of your social media campaigns
  • Integrate your SMS and MMS messaging platforms
  • Share predictive product recommendations for higher conversion rates

5 Ways Cross Channel Marketing Can Benefit You

If you’re looking for a way to improve your marketing, implementing cross channel tactics is the perfect solution. In this section, we’ll take a look at five ways cross channel marketing can benefit your company. From reaching your customers where they are in the customer journey to providing product recommendations based on previous shopping behaviors — the possibilities are endless.

  1. Meet Your Customers Where They Are

We’re talking about customer journey marketing. The process of sending the right content and engaging your customers based on where they fall within their personal journey with your brand.

Now, the idea of moving a customer from the awareness phase to the purchase and loyalty is probably not a new concept for most — but it’s an important step in improving your marketing. And cross channel marketing is a great tool to help you do this.

Consider the journey below. You’re likely using all, or most of, the touch points listed throughout this journey, but are you connecting all of them? Are you using them together to provide customers with the content they need to make their purchasing decision?

Meet Your Customers Where They Are
Image courtesy of Pinterest

While it is true that the more you engage your customers, the better, it’s also about the quality of those interactions. Think about these two scenarios, which do you think provides the customer with the best experience?

Scenario 1: A customer was recently on your website browsing for a specific product, let’s say a pair of shoes. You send the customer an email shortly after that is promoting jewelry and hats.

Scenario 2: We’ll use the same customer who was recently browsing for shoes on your website. But this time the email the customer receives is an email reminding them of the product they were looking at and others that may interest them.

If you were this customer, which scenario would be more effective? Chances are you’re going to say the second scenario. That’s because the email in the second scenario is much more relevant than the one-off email the customer received.

Now, this was a very basic example, but it gives you a glimpse into how powerful customer journey marketing can be. That’s why cross channel marketing is a great way to engage your customers and help move them through their personal customer journey.

  1. Send the Right Message, the Right Way, at the Right Time

Cross channel marketing allows you to send the right message, in the right way, at the right time. This can be done with intelligent trigger campaigns that consider a number of different factors when sending customers messages to your customers.

First, let’s take a quick look at what a trigger message is. If you aren’t already using trigger campaigns, you’ve likely received one at some point in your own customer journey. It’s communication that is sent based on a specific action or trigger. Trigger emails are the most commonly used trigger marketing methods, but SMS is also a great way to re-engage customers.

So for example, if you’ve purchased an item and receive your order confirmation and shipping details. These follow-up communications were triggered by the purchase you made and are very relevant to your needs.

Another example, such as the one below, is a welcome campaign. This example shows how a welcome campaign can help build a brand story and let the customer know what the company values are.

toms community

TOMS Marketing
TOMS takes the time to tell their new customers about the brand and its mission. It’s a great way to use trigger messaging to get their message out to a wider audience. Image courtesy of TOMS Marketing.

So how does cross channel marketing improve this process? It can automatically generate these triggers based on real-time customer behaviors, resulting in the perfect message at the perfect time.

Here are a few examples of intelligent trigger messages:

  • Welcome campaigns
  • Price drop alerts
  • Back-in-stock alerts
  • Re-engagement campaigns

These messages can be sent via email, SMS messaging, or even through re-marketing efforts. Having a cross channel marketing software will help you by identifying what customers qualify for what campaigns and will then automatically send these trigger messages.

  1. Make the Most of Your Social Media Campaigns

Make the most out of your social media channels by targeting lookalike audiences. This is beneficial to your marketing efforts in two ways.

Make the Most of Your Social Media Campaigns
Marketers across the board are using social media to help improve a number of different goals. From brand awareness to increased web traffic, it’s a great cross channel marketing opportunity. Image courtesy of Sprout Social.

One, it will help build brand awareness. The more customers see your name and branding, the more likely they are to be aware of and recognize your company. Building brand awareness is important for a number of reasons, here are a few that stick out:

  • Keep your brand top of mind
  • Build brand equity
  • Increase customer loyalty

The second benefit is that it will help you increase conversion rates. Knowing what your customers are interested in is a very valuable piece of information. But having the ability to identify lookalike audiences who may also be interested in the same things is a whole new opportunity.

By reaching these new audiences with the right content through smart social campaigns, you can expect to see an increase in conversions. That’s because, once again, you’ll be serving the right content to the right audience.

As you grow your customer base through your social media outlets, you can then start to use the data you collected in other cross channel efforts to see even higher conversion rates.

  1. Integrate Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

SMS and MMS messaging are great tools to reach your customers on a more personal level. They also work very well when it comes to cross channel marketing. That’s because they can easily be integrated into digital and traditional marketing efforts.

Utilizing text-to-join campaigns allows you to acquire more customers, across multiple channels. Strategically communicate with subscribers via SMS and email marketing to make the biggest impact.

Here are a few examples of the ways that text message marketing can improve your cross channel marketing efforts:

  • Use in-store signage to promote your SMS and MMS marketing efforts and provide users a reward for joining
  • Track user browsing and shopping behaviors and re-engage and promote products to them through SMS messages
  • Promote your SMS messages via email, and vice versa to build stronger, more loyal customer lists

Another benefit that comes with text message marketing is that it’s a permission-based marketing tactic. That means that the customers who have registered to receive your marketing messages and are interested in hearing from your brand.

SMS Marketing
SMS messages are a great way to reach your customers. It’s always an outlet they are more receptive to since they had to take the time to opt-in to the program. Image courtesy of GoodFirms.

When you consider that 75% of people actually want to have offers sent to them via SMS messages, it’s a great solution to reach your audiences. If you’re looking to build a true cross channel marketing, you can’t do it without SMS and MMS marketing.

  1. Provide Relevant Product and Content Recommendations

Last but not least, let’s talk about using predictive product and content recommendations to better your cross channel marketing efforts. With the help of dynamic and real-time product recommendations, you can provide your customers with a more personalized experience across all of your platforms.

From re-marketing efforts to SMS product promotions, it’s a great way to reach your customers and provide them with the products and content they want to see. By understanding their wants, needs, interests, and previous behaviors, you can identify the products and content your customers will be most interested in.

Once you’ve begun to identify this information, you can predict and send products to your customers before they even realize they need them. This can be done to increase sales via cross-selling or upselling, or simply by sharing new products that meet your customers’ needs.

Let Cross Channel Marketing Improve Your Brand Experience

Cross channel marketing will help you reach customers through various platforms and will improve your brand experience. Finding ways to bring all of your marketing tactics together to create one comprehensive marketing front will build brand awareness, improve conversions, and boost sales. So what are you waiting for? Find the right cross channel marketing software and get started today!

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