5 Essentials to Improve Your SEO Strategy

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5 Essentials to Improve Your SEO Strategy

SEO is an essential aspect of online marketing. The higher a blog will rank on a search results list, the more traffic it will get. For a standard web query, the first page of results would gain 40-60% of all traffic. It is where search engine optimization or SEO comes in handy.

Search engines use an algorithm or a series of rules to decide which pages should appear on every query. They generally follow three main criteria to determine the consistency and rating of a site. Links from other websites play a crucial role in deciding search engines for the ranking of a website. Next, include web page content to determine whether the content of a specific search query is essential. Page layout comprising page headers, URLs, and relevant keywords in the title is the third key component of SEO.

We know that the concept of SEO optimization might intimidate you, mainly if you are not a technology geek. But don’t worry—it won’t be challenging. In this article, we’ve listed some essentials to improve your SEO strategy so you can apply them on your website to win the game.

  1. Internal link strategy

For the most outstanding possible user experience, there are several SEO advantages. A searchable website with specific internal links and similar material is an essential part of a successful internal link strategy. It holds people to your webpage and gives them an urge for more exploration.

Since 2009, outbound links to resources are no longer valid and will have a lower SEO ranking effect on the pages. Thus it is time to add internal links, as they help to guide visitors regarding other pages on your site. There is, of course, a difference between do follow vs no follow links, so it’s important to read up on these. However, to create internal links, all you have to do is connect high-authority web pages to pages that need authority. Also, make sure to use keyword-rich anchor text to develop internal connections.

External links or contextual links come in a variety of formats. You may have links within your content in addition to your site, menu, post feed, and other areas. They guide visitors to important and exciting content. Additionally, they allow search engines to decide your content’s relevance by determining what content on your site is related to. The number of connections a website gets, the more valuable it is to search engines.

  1. Instead of using keywords, concentrate on topic clusters

Google’s algorithms keep on changing from time to time. Presently, its goal is to figure out customers’ search queries and, most importantly, search results that will help answer their questions. However, it isn’t sensible to expect your website to rank on Google’s first page simply by writing keyword-focused material. It’s not enough to look at keywords. Perhaps, we need to look at the context that the keywords follow.

It is further essential to remain aware of what your customers are searching for, which is often known as “user motive.” It is best to add content and keywords that are in the best interest of your consumers. The more you know about your target audience’s age, place, ambitions, and so on — the better content you’ll be able to make and the better your SEO strategy. It is best to organize the content into separate themes or clusters rather than relying on single keywords.

  1. Inculcate title tags and meta-descriptions

The meta description refers to a concise paragraph of text that appears in search results under your page’s URL. It’s also something you should be able to monitor in your CMS (Content Management System). In the search results, the meta-description generally appears below the URL of your article. While having a meta-description may not necessarily boost your SERP rating, perhaps it can increase the likelihood of a searcher clicking on your result.

When people share your content on other social media platforms, these meta-descriptions appear there. A meta-description is present to your site’s HTML in the <head> area, and thus it should look like this:


<meta name=” description” content=” This is the best guiding blog you may ever find.”>


A meta-description will affect a searcher’s decision about whether or not to click on your content from the search results. The more detailed, appealing, and essential the title, the more likely someone will click through.

  1. Say ‘Yes’ to Comments

Don’t disable the commenting system. Getting a vibrant group of frequent commenters participating in debate under your posts illustrates that readers are involved enough in your material to make their relevant points. However, the next time someone comments on your post, applaud them. It means that people are reading it.

Google and other search engines like it when users choose your company and take the time to give feedback. Be extra careful about screening out spam comments or deleting those that do get in. It’s also worth applying the Nofollow attribute to your remarks section so that Google ignores any faulty connections that occur. Encouraging readers to leave comments on your articles is a surefire way to boost your SEO.

Have a good call-to-action in your article to encourage readers to comment. To start a dialogue, ask an open-ended question or allow people to ask you questions.

  1. Improve the pace at which your website loads

The speed at which your page loads is critical. If the page load speed is too late, Google will notice and penalize you. On the other hand, a sluggish website would affect the way users interact with your sites. As a result, your website might get low ratings. Google’s PageSpeed Insights will help you measure your page level.

If your web takes longer than three seconds to launch, almost half of your guests will leave before they even get there. That alone is a significant setback for the conversion rates. There may be various explanations for your site’s slow loading time, ranging from your images’ size or the number of redirects you have. Determine the root of the problem and address it as soon as possible.

The best technique, according to Google, is three seconds. Unfortunately, most sites aren’t even close, according to the results of the latest benchmark study. So, where do we begin? Reduce HTTP requests by minifying and combining data. It would speed up the loading time of your website and boost your search engine rankings.


Optimization is the method of improving search engine traffic. It involves techniques such as checking your web speed and improving its pace, using cluster keywords, or examine the impressions they have on a site’s conversion rate. But be mindful that overuse of keywords on your pages is a bad idea, mainly if they harm your site’s readability. Google would deem you no longer user-friendly if you display a full-screen commercial to download the app to mobile visitors. Hence, choosing and working on your strategies while taking care of the above points is the key to a successful SEO.

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