Tips & Tricks

Why Should You Choose Two Way Radios Instead of Mobile Phones?

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Choose Two Way Radios Instead of Mobile Phones

In 1923, there was a distress call sent from a captain on a ship via a receiver to seek for help … the famous words “mayday mayday mayday” were spoken at the heart of this. This famous idea of using those words, was coined by a gentleman named Frederick Mockford, a senior radio officer at an airport in London, who saw the necessity of having a phrase like this which originated from the French word m’aider, which meant “help me.” And has been used up until the 21st century to signal times of a life-threatening emergency.

I have often wondered what may have happened if the crew on that boat, or any other boat for that matter, did not have any means of getting in touch with rescue services every time they faced any trouble? I would not be very happy in a similar situation. And all this was made possible by technology such as the two-way that we not only use on a daily basis, but take for granted the amazing possibilities of having one in both our home and work environments. Learn more about these highly innovative gadgets here

So why is using this device better than a mobile phone, you ask?

There are a number of reasons for choosing a radio over a mobile phone. Especially now that radios can come with smart functions and android integration (see this link for an example), allowing them to have similar utility to a mobile phone. However, one of the prominent reasons some may not realize is due to health.

Apart from the obvious cancer risk from constantly using your mobile phone, there have been other negative effects like effects on your nervous system causing things like sleep disorders, headaches, short temper (often from lack of good sleep), and even negative effects like depression. People take it lightly but some of these can be very hazardous to you and your family in the long run.

One would think that because majority of the population own mobile phones (almost 60% of the world population), it would make sense for these to be our first go-to, right? Wrong.

Besides the health and personal safety reasons stated above, other more physical things to look at when considering picking up a phone over a two-way receiver. Find out more.

  • Practicality–You work on a construction site building a house and you have gloves on, not to mention your hands may be covered in dust and cement. With a radio, this would be no problem it could handle it. With a mobile phone – not so much.
  • Durability–All two-way receivers are usually given an IP rating which helps the user understand the level of protection each unit has from elements such as water and dust. Most mobile phones become unused if dropped in water or dust gets into them.
  • Coverage – We have all been there at some point in our lives. We go somewhere exotic or take a trip to a far-off land and suddenly we have no mobile network. Enter Two-way radio – which do not rely on network providers, and instead give you a constant stream of coverage wherever you are.
  • Battery life–Is definitely longer than most phones. You can get one with a battery life of a few hours, to a full day. Depending on how often you use it. Some of them have even been designed to last for up to 25 hours. I am not sure I know of any mobile phone that can do that?
Two-way radio

Two ways have come a long way from the age old walkie talkies to devices like Hytera two way radios.With both analog and digital modes now sleeker looking and light in weight (not to mention the portable aspect), these make for a good communication companion for everyday use.

To think these gadgets cannot be used instead of mobile phones, is to miss the mark completely.  They have been created and engineered to give you the same functionality as your mobile phone and I would dare say, even better than your mobile phone with tons of additional features and capabilities.

The next time you need to use your mobile phone in a busy work place or while traveling somewhere and you can’t get coverage or the battery life is on 1% and you have tried calling out “mayday mayday mayday” to the grim looks of the people around you and to no avail, get creative and try using this Avoira’s communication solutions (or solutions from a similar provider) instead.

Even if you do not want to use a two-way radio instead of your own phone you can always invest in it as a back-up for you or your family or co-workers. Better be safe than sorry.

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