How To Perform Keyword Research For SEO: In-Depth Guide

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How To Perform Keyword Research For SEO

The SEO process depends heavily on keyword research. It lets you see which keywords are being searched for most often and then determine which ones make sense for your website.

According to Auckland SEO Company, you can find out what your audience is looking for when you perform keyword research. This ensures that your content is relevant and valuable to them. It also allows you to create more content around those topics so that people will continue returning to your site.

You can then use this information to create content that attracts more visitors and increases engagement with your site – ultimately growing organic traffic and conversions.

What is Keyword Research?

Finding out what people are searching for is the process of conducting keyword research. It helps you to understand what people want from your website, how they think and feel about it, and how you can get them there.

Let me simplify it,

The keywords you choose are the words people search for when they want to find your website. If you have a great product or service and know what people are searching for, you can use this information to attract more visitors to your site.

As a result, you’ll get more traffic and sales. Keyword research is crucial to understand what people want from your website and how to get them there.

Why is Keyword Research A Crucial Part of SEO?

You may wonder why keyword research is integral to search engine optimisation. The answer is simple; keywords are the foundation of SEO, the first step in the process, and the basis for all other SEO activities.

Keywords are important because they directly influence how users interact with your website. They help you determine what content to produce, who those visitors will be, what information you should offer them and even which business goals can be achieved through organic search traffic.

Essential Elements Of Keyword Research

So, if you want to ensure that your website has high rankings on Google, then you must perform keyword research. Three primary components go into conducting effective keyword research: search volume, competition and relevance.

Let’s take a look at each one individually.

  • Search Volume: 

A keyword’s Search Volume is determined to be the number of searches per month that include that particular word or phrase. It means how often the audience searches a certain keyword – rather than just once, as would happen with a simple search.

For example, if you search “how to bake a cake” (which is very general and broad), Google will return many different results – such as recipes and ingredients for baking cakes.

However, if you search “cake recipe” (which is more specific and targeted), Google will only return results that include the word “cake”. This means that Search Volume is a great indicator of how much attention a keyword receives from users.

  • KD (Keyword Difficulty): 

Next up is… Keyword Difficulty, KD refers to the competition for a keyword. It tells you how difficult it will be to rank in Google search results if your site contains that word or phrase. Your 1-100 KD score is based on numerous factors.

The higher your KD score, the more difficult it will be to rank for that keyword in Google SERPs. The lower your KD score, the easier it is to rank for that keyword.

  • Relevance:

When optimizing your content for search engines, you must understand what constitutes “relevant” material. Google tends to rank relevant content high in its SERPs—and this is where the role of intent comes into play: Your content can only and only rank higher when it satisfies customers’ needs.

5 Different Ways To Do Keyword Research:

There are different ways to do keyword research. This is helpful if you’re looking for general niches with much traffic potential.


The first step in keyword research is to make a brain dump. This will allow you to gather all your ideas for keywords and related searches in one place to organize them later.

The most important thing about creating an initial list of possible keywords and related searches is that it’s not perfect—what’s most important at this stage is getting all of your ideas out on paper (or into Google Docs). Once that happens, the next step will be refining them!


The best way to find keyword ideas is by analyzing your competitors. The keywords your competitors rank for, the keywords they don’t rank for, and the keywords they are missing out on are all useful starting points when finding relevant and highly searched terms.


Another great way to find keyword ideas is by finding related searches in Google. If you type in a search query, Google will show some related terms in bold blue text below it. These are called “Google autocomplete suggestions” and can be useful for finding additional keywords that you may not have thought of before!

Let’s start with a simple Google query. Type: “cork flooring”

In this case, two searches are related to your initial keyword: “cork flooring for kitchen” and “how to lay cork flooring.” You’ll want to take note of these related searches and incorporate them into your analysis.


Let’s look at the next step… is to take a look at the competition for your target keyword. You will want to look for keywords with a low level of competition since this will help you rank higher and get more traffic.

Once you have a list of keywords with little competition, we advice that you assess how well it will be optimized for SEO. The keyword must be included in your page’s title, body and URL.

It’s also important to ensure that each word is spelled correctly; otherwise, Google will not recognize your pages as relevant results for users.


– Make a list of keywords

Once you have your keyword suggestions, list potential topics to write about. If you need help coming up with ideas, take some time to brainstorm and review the resources below.

– Use the keywords in your content

Use each of your chosen keywords at least once in your writing. Don’t just add them as they fit naturally into what you are writing about and make sense as part of it (i.e., don’t just stuff them in).


SEO depends on keyword research, which helps content creators find the most effective words to use when writing for search engines.

To rank your website on Google, you need to know what people are searching for. This means you’ll need to take time every month to do keyword research and ensure that your content covers all these search terms.

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